Mishneh Torah
Legal code written by Maimonides in the 12th century, groundbreaking in its organization and scope.
14th-century comprehensive legal code by Jacob ben Asher, upon which the Shulchan Arukh is based.
Shulchan Arukh
Most widely-accepted code of Jewish law, compiled in the 16th century by Rav Yosef Karo.
Halakhot Gedolot
Comprehensive summary of talmudic laws, compiled sometime between the 8th and 10th centuries.
Shulchan Arukh HaRav
18th-century halakhic code by the founder of Chabad, used by many Chasidic Jews as a basis for daily practice
Chokhmat Adam
Sequel to Chayei Adam covering dietary regulations and other assorted laws, published in 1812.
Chayyei Adam
Legal code about daily conduct published in 1810, written in accessible language for laypeople
Kitzur Shulchan Arukh
Popular handbook with simplified summaries of laws relevant to daily life, published in 1864.
Arukh HaShulchan
19th-century comprehensive digest following the order of the Shulchan Arukh.
Arukh HaShulchan HeAtid
Parallel work to Arukh HaShulchan focusing on laws relevant in Israel or in Temple times.
Ben Ish Hai
Sermons on the Torah blended with mystical insights and Sephardic legal rulings.
Sifrei Mitzvot
Works enumerating the commandments in light of the talmudic tradition that “613 commandments were stated to Moses: 365 prohibitions... and 248 positive commandments.” (Makkot 23b).
Kitzur Sefer Haredim of Rabbi Elazar Azcari
19th-century work listing the commandments according to the body parts that perform them.
Sefer HaChinukh
Anonymous medieval work detailing and explaining the 613 commandments.
Minchat Chinukh
19th-century work that conceptually analyzes the legal parts of the Sefer HaChinukh.
Sefer HaMitzvot
Maimonides’ 12th-century list of the 613 commandments with brief descriptions, originally written in Arabic.
Sefer HaMitzvot HaKatzar
20th-century list of the commandments applicable outside of Israel in the post-Temple era.
Sefer Hamitzvot of Rasag
10th-century poem that concisely summarizes the 613 commandments.
Sefer Mitzvot Gadol
13th-century text enumerating and elaborating upon the commandments, also known as the Semag.
Sefer Mitzvot Katan
13th-century poetic abridgment of the Sefer Mitzvot Gadol that blends laws and stories, also known as the Semak
Sefer Yereim
12th-century legal work that incorporates ethical teachings, based on the Halakhot Gedolot.
“The first ones” - leading rabbis and legal authorities who lived in the 11th through 15th centuries, in the era before the composition of the Shulchan Arukh.
Popular 14th-century compilation of laws, customs, and commentary on the prayer book.
Avodat HaKodesh
13th-century compilation of laws relating to Shabbat and holidays.
Ba'alei HaNefesh
12th-century work by the Ra’avad on the laws of niddah and sexual conduct.
Bedikat HaSakin
13th-century work on checking the knife used for slaughter and checking animals for defects.
Dina DeGarmei
13th-century short treatise about indirect damages by Ramban
Ginzei Mitzrayim, Hilkhot Sefer Torah
12th-century work on the laws of writing a Torah scroll.
15th-century halakhic digest by R. Jacob Landau
Hilkhot Niddah of the Ramban
13th-century work by the Ramban on the practical application of the laws of niddah (a woman in her menstrual cycle or experiencing particular discharges).
Issur V'Heter L'Rabbeinu Yerucham
Medieval composition on dietary laws published in the 19th century.
Issur VeHeter HaArokh
15th-century composition on dietary laws by an Ashkenazi legal authority.
Issur VeHeter LeRashi
Incomplete composition of rulings and responsa on a variety of topics, attributed to Rashi.
Kol Bo
13th or 14th-century anonymous work with legal rulings and occasional explanations.
Leket Yosher
15th-century work recording the customs and legal opinions of Rabbi Yisrael Isserlein.
Likkutei HaPardes
Early medieval collection of legal material relating to a variety of topics, attributed to Rashi and compiled by his students.
Machzor Vitry
11th-century prayer book that incorporates legal rulings on prayer and other topics.
Ohr Zarua
13th-century compilation tracing the development of laws from talmudic passages.
Piskei Challah
13th-century work of the Rashba about separating challah, a portion of dough given to priests.
Seder Troyes
13th-century record of prayer customs according to the traditions of the French city of Troyes.
Sefer Chasidim
Ethical and legal guide to everyday life; foundational work of medieval German pietists.
Sefer HaItim
12th-century code of Jewish law of which only the section on Shabbat is extant.
Sefer HaMachkim
13th-century guide to the order of prayers recited daily and on holidays, by Rabbi Natan ben Yehuda.
Sefer HaMakhria
13th-century talmudic commentary on select tractates, by the Italian tosafist Isaiah d'Trani, also known as Tosafot Rid.
Sefer HaOrah
Early medieval collection of material on a variety of topics of Jewish law, attributed primarily to Rashi and compiled by his students.
Sefer HaParnas
13th or 14th-century collection of traditions and rulings of the Maharam of Rothenburg.
Sefer HaTerumah
13th-century summary of Jewish law related to various topics by Barukh ben Isaac of Worms and often quoted by later authorities
Sela HaMachlakot on Ba'alei HaNefesh
12th-century commentary more often known as the Hasagot (Glosses) of Rabbi Zerachiah HaLevi on the Ra’avad’s Ba’alei HaNefesh.
Sha'ar HaMayim HaAroch
13th-century short compilation of laws about the mikvah (ritual bath) by the Rashba.
Sha'ar HaMayim HaKatzar
The Rashba’s abridgement of his Sha’ar HaMayim HaArokh.
Sheiltot d'Rav Achai Gaon
First known rabbinic book written after the Talmud’s completion, with legal sermons on the Torah.
Shibbolei HaLeket
13th-century work by Italian scholar Tzedakia ben Avraham Anaw
Shulchan Shel Arba
14th-century handbook on laws and spiritual aspects of eating, meant to be studied at meals.
Siddur Rashi
Medieval work of laws about prayers, attributed to the renowned 11th-century scholar known as Rashi.
Tashbetz Katan
13th-century collection of teaching and practices of the Maharam of Rothenburg.
The Sabbath Epistle
12th-century polemical letter defending the traditional view that Shabbat begins at dusk.
Torat HaAdam
12th-century work by Ramban on laws of end of life, such as treatment of a dying person on Shabbat, confession, burial, and mourning
Torat HaBayit HaAroch
13th-century legal manual on ritual observances like kashrut, niddah, and mikvah immersion.
Torat HaBayit HaKatzar
Abridged version of Torat HaBayit HaArokh by the same author, focusing on practical law.
“The later ones” - leading rabbis and legal authorities who lived in the 16th through 20th centuries, in the era after the composition of the Shulchan Arukh.
Ahavat Chesed
19th-century work on acts of kindness, such as giving loans to the needy and visiting the sick.
Avodat HaKodesh (Chida)
Seven short 18th-century works of law, custom and ethical instruction.
Chafetz Chaim
First work to exclusively address the laws of proper speech, written in the 20th century.
Ein HaTekhelet
The Radziner Rebbe’s response to criticism of his treatise, “Treasures Hidden in the Sand.”
Geder Olam
Late 19th-century work on the importance of modesty, written by Rabbi Yisrael Meir Kagan (the Chafetz Chaim).
Gevurat Anashim
17th-century work about a case in which a woman wants a divorce due to sexual dysfunction.
Hilchos Talmud Torah
18th-century treatise on the laws of Torah study by the founder of the Chabad movement.
Keset HaSofer
19th-century work on the laws of scribal writing by the author of the Kitzur Shulchan Arukh.
Kol Yaakov on Shulchan Arukh
Early 20th-century collection of laws related to scribal practice.
Maaseh Rav
Work detailing the personal legal practices of the 18th-century rabbinic leader, the Vilna Gaon.
Mateh Efrayim
19th-century compendium of laws and customs of the High Holidays and the festival of Sukkot.
Nehar Misrayim
20th-century work of laws and customs followed by Egyptian Jewry, by the chief rabbi of Cairo.
Ptil Tekhelet
The Radziner Rebbe’s elaboration upon “Treasures Hidden in the Sand,” his treatise on tekhelet.
Seder HaYom
16th-century legal and kabbalistic work by Rabbi Moshe ben Machir that guides daily and yearly observances.
Sha'arei Ephraim
Early 19th-century work on the laws of Torah reading, by Rabbi Ephraim Zalman Margoliot.
Shabbat HaAretz
20th-century work on the laws of and ideas behind shemittah by R. Kook, the first Ashkenazi chief rabbi in pre-state Israel
Shev Shmateta
18th-century work on cases of doubt in the Talmud, considered a classic of yeshiva study.
Simlah Chadashah
18th-century work on ritual slaughter, considered the definitive Ashkenazic work on the topic.
Ta'amei HaMinhagim
A work of explanations of many different Jewish customs and practices.
Treasures Hidden in the Sand
19th-century thesis advocating for the search for the source of tekhelet, a dye used in tzitzit.
A Lifetime Companion to the Laws of Jewish Family Life
21st-century English book by Dr. Deena Zimmerman on the laws that govern Jewish marital life
Care of the Critically Ill
20th-century translations of Rav Moshe Feinstein’s responsa on care of the critically ill.
Contemporary Halakhic Problems
20th and 21st-century multi-volume book of halakhic reasoning on modern issues.
From Sinai to Ethiopia
21st-century work exploring the history, customs, and law of Ethiopian Jewry (Beta Israel).
Gray Matter
21st-century multi-volume book of articles about contemporary halakhic questions.
HaHalakhah; Kochah VeTafkidah
On the role of halakhah in contemporary times, addressing the relationship between eternal halakhah and changing realities
Peninei Halakhah
21st-century multi-volume, easily accessible, and thorough presentation of practical halakhah.
Rabbinic Authority Series
21st-century work about the parameters and scope of rabbinic authority and Jewish courts of law.
Shaleach Teshalach
21st-century work on the commandment to send away a mother bird before taking her young or her eggs.
Tenai BeNissuin Uveget
20th-century effort to propose halakhic solutions to the plight of women chained to dead marriages, by Rabbi Dr. Eliezer Berkovits
Torat HaHiggayon BaHalakhah
20th-century analysis of talmudic and halakhic concepts through the lens of logic by Rabbi Dr. Eliezer Berkovits
Piskei Recanati
14th-century work by Italian scholar Rabbi Menachem Recanati, known for his writings on kabbalah.
Be'er Mayim Chaim on Chafetz Chaim
Rabbi Yisrael Meir Kagan’s footnotes to his work the Chafetz Chaim, with sources and elaborations on the main body of text.
Bedek HaBayit on Torat HaBayit HaArokh
13th-century critical commentary of Ra’ah on Rashba’s manual on kashrut, niddah, and mikvah immersion
Brit Moshe
20th-century exhaustive commentary on the Semag (Sefer Mitzvot Gadol) by Rabbi Moshe Aaron Weisz.
Brit Olam on Sefer Chasidim
18th-century commentary of the Chida on the foundational work of medieval German pietists.
Sefer Hamitzvot of Rasag
20th-century extensive analytic commentary by Rabbi Yerucham Fishel Perlow on Rav Saadia Gaon’s liturgical poem listing the 613 commandments.
Ein Yosef on Sefer HaMitzvot
20th-century commentary by Rabbi Yosef Farber, published posthumously based on classes he delivered in his yeshiva in Lithuania.
Haamek Sheilah on Sheiltot d'Rav Achai Gaon
19th-century analytic commentary by the Netziv, groundbreaking in its systematic treatment of a geonic work.
Haggahot Chadashot on Sefer Mitzvot Katan
18th-century commentary by Rabbi Yehoshua Tzeitlish of Shklov elucidating the text of the Semak and analyzing it against the backdrop of earlier sources.
Haggahot Rabbeinu Peretz on Sefer Mitzvot Katan
13th-century glosses on the Semak by the author's student, the French Tosafist Rabbeinu Peretz of Corbeil.
Haggahot of Radal on Sefer HaParnas
19th-century glosses on the beginning of a medieval collection of the Maharam of Rothenburg’s rulings and traditions by R. David Luria
Lishkat HaSofer
19th-century additions by Rabbi Shlomo Ganzried to his Keset HaSofer, including analytic discussions and noting other legal positions.
Mishmeret HaBayit on Torat HaBayit HaAroch
13th-century response of the Rashba to Bedek HaBayit, the Re’ah’s critique of the Rashba’s Torat HaBayit.
Netiv Chesed on Ahavat Chesed
19th-century commentary of the Chafetz Chaim to his Ahavat Chesed, on acts of loving-kindness.
Perush Kadmon on Sefer Chasidim
First known commentary on the foundational work of medieval German pietists, printed together with it since the 18th century.
Sheilat Shalom on Sheiltot d'Rav Achai Gaon
18th-century commentary by Rabbi Yeshaya Berlin analyzing the text of the Sheiltot in light of talmudic passages and earlier commentators.
Toafot Re'em
19th-century commentary on Sefer Yereim added by R. Abraham Abba Schiff when he published the first complete edition of the work
Zohar HaRakia
15th-century commentary on the Azharot of Solomon ibn Gabirol, summarizing methods of enumerating the 613 commandments.
About Halakhah
Halakhah is a genre of Jewish legal writing. Rooted in the Torah, Midrash, and Talmud, the many works of Jewish law offer legal guidance regarding ritual observances, business practice, damages, personal status, and much more. As novel questions arise, Jewish legal thinkers look for precedents to determine the law. While halakhic texts are prescriptive, they are also gateways into an ancient ethical and philosophical system — the means of realizing God’s will. Halakhic works take the form of topical studies, codes that serve as handbooks, commentaries, or essays on a specific topic.
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