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Save "A Cabala da Inveja 19

“Sintonizando-se com seus anjos”
A Cabala da Inveja 19 “Sintonizando-se com seus anjos”

“Sintonizando-se com seus anjos”

“Segundo os rabinos, possuímos quatro anjos que nos equalizam: um à frente, um ao lado direito, outro ao lado esquerdo e um último atrás. Qual a função de cada um? O da frente está lá para deter-nos; ele diz: “Calma... Espere, não seja tão afoito.” O que se encontra atrás de nós nos empurra para a frente, dizendo: “Enfrente... Tenha coragem de bancar a situação e não dê para trás agora...” O que está à nossa esquerda, junto ao coração, diz: “Esqueça... deixe pra lá.” O da direita, por sua vez, diz: “Lembre-se... não deixe passar, porque você tem uma memória!”
Sintonizar-se corretamente com os impulsos de “avançar, recuar, lembrar e esquecer” é fundamental para a “calibragem” de nossas reações.”

Excerpt From: Nilton Bonder. “A Cabala da inveja.”

A fama dos 4 anjos na tradição de Israel

בְּשֵׁם ה' אֱלֺקֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל

מִימִינִי מִיכָאֵל

וּמִשְּׂ֒מֹאלִי גַבְרִיאֵל

וּמִלְּ֒פָנַי אוֹרִיאֵל

וּמֵאֲחוֹרַי רְפָאֵל

וְעַל רֹאשִי שְׁכִינַת אֵל:

In the Name of Yah, God of Israel:

at my right is Michael,

and at my left Gabriel,

and before me Uriel,

and behind me Raphael,

and above my head, the Presence of Shekhina.

A origem dos 4 anjos...

כְּשֵׁם שֶׁבָּרָא הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא אַרְבַּע רוּחוֹת וּכְנֶגְדָן אַרְבָּעָה דְּגָלִים, אַף כָּךְ סִבֵּב לְכִסְאוֹ אַרְבָּעָה מַלְאָכִים מִיכָאֵל וְגַבְרִיאֵל וְאוֹרִיאֵל וּרְפָאֵל. מִיכָאֵל בִּימִינוֹ כְּנֶגֶד רְאוּבֵן... אוּרִיאֵל מִשְֹּׂמֹאלוֹ כְּנֶגֶד דָּן שֶׁהוּא בַּצָּפוֹן... גַּבְרִיאֵל מִלְּפָנָיו כְּנֶגֶד מַלְכוּת יְהוּדָה וּמשֶׁה וְאַהֲרֹן שֶׁהָיוּ בַּמִּזְרָח... רְפָאֵל, כְּנֶגֶד אֶפְרַיִם שֶׁהוּא בַּמַּעֲרָב

As the Holy One blessed be He created four winds (directions) and four banners (for Israel's army), so also did He make four angels to surround His Throne—Michael, Gabriel, Uriel and Raphael. Michael is on its right, corresponding to the tribe of Reuben (south)... Uriel on its left, corresponding to the tribe of Dan, which was located in the north ... Gabriel in front, corresponding to the tribe of Judah as well as Moses and Aaron who were in the east; and Raphael in the rear, corresponding to the tribe of Ephraim which was in the west.

Possivel fonte de inspiração do Rabino Nilton Bonder

וגם ד' דגלים היו רומזים לד' מחנות שכינה, ולד' יסודות בד' רוחות, כמבואר בארוכה בזוהר, והובא ברקנאטי. והא לך דברי הרקנאט"י בקצרה, כי ד' דגלים הם נגד ד' יסודות וד' מחנות שכינה, וד' חיות הנושאות המרכבה. וכשנעלה עוד למעלה, נאמר בו כל אלו כנגד ד' מדות חס"ד גבור"ה תפאר"ת מלכו"ת. וד' יסודות למטה, הם בדמות מעלה מיכאל גבריאל אוריאל רפאל. מיכאל יסוד המים, ומתאחד במים העליונים מימי החסד, כי הוא הכהן גדול שלמעלה שהוא המכפר, כי בחסד יכופר עון ועל כן הוא בימין. גבריאל כנגד יסוד האש הגדולה, ועל כן הוא בשמאל והוא שר צבא שלמעלה. אוריאל לפניו כנגד יסוד הרוח, ומשם אורה יוצאה לעולם כי הוא במזרח. רפאל במערב כנגד יסוד העפר, ואמרו חכמים כי הוא ממונה על העפר הדבוק מתחת כסא הכבוד הנקרא חומר ראשון, עד כאן לשונו:

It follows that the pictures on the 4 flags which the Israelites had in the desert were of the four חיות that support G–d's throne, that they also hinted at the four camps of the שכינה, namely the four emanations mentioned, and that they also reflected the concept of the four basic elements in our world as well as the four compass directions. The Zohar elaborates on all this. The Rekanati says that the four basic elements are presided over by the four angels מיכאל, גבריאל, אוריאל, and רפאל. מיכאל presides over the element water, and establishes a link between the waters in the upper regions, the waters of חסד. He does this in his capacity of "High Priest” of the Celestial Regions. He atones on behalf of Israel, since the region of atonement is in the domain of חסד. As a result, his position in those regions is on the right of G–d's throne. גבריאל presides over the element אש הגדולה "the great fire," hence his position is on the left. His official title is "Commander in Chief" of the celestial armies. אוריאל is in front, presiding over the element רוח, the region whence light comes to the world, since it is positioned in the East. The sun rises in the East, of course. רפאל is in the West, presiding over the element עפר, earth. The Rabbis say that he is in charge of the earth that is attached to the throne of G–d, a material known as the חומר הראשון, "original raw material” (compare Bamidbar Rabbah 2,10). The Midrash there states that just as G–d had created four compass directions in our lower world, so He has surrounded His Throne with four angels, i.e. מיכאל, גבריאל, אוריאל, רפאל. So far the words of the Rekanati. The letters in the holy name of G–d are imbued with the glory of the שכינה, G–d's Presence.

Composed in Ottoman Palestine (c.1611 - c.1631 CE). Written by Rabbi Isaiah HaLevi Horovitz (c.1555-1630), Shney Luchot HaBrit (Shelah) is a commentary on the Torah. The work contains a chapter for each weekly Torah portion. The author lists the commandments found in each portion and explains their stated and hidden meanings. He also explains ethical and moral teachings of the Torah.


Original Word: מֲלְאָךְ
Part of Speech: Noun Masculine
Transliteration: malak
Phonetic Spelling: (mal-awk')
Definition: a messenger

(Strong's Concordance)

(כה) וַיִּוָּתֵ֥ר יַעֲקֹ֖ב לְבַדּ֑וֹ וַיֵּאָבֵ֥ק אִישׁ֙ עִמּ֔וֹ עַ֖ד עֲל֥וֹת הַשָּֽׁחַר׃

(25) Jacob was left alone. And a man wrestled with him until the break of dawn.

(א) אמנם שהמלאכים נמצאים - זה ממה שאין צריך שתובא עליו ראיה תוריה כי זה כתוב ב'תורה' במקומות רבים. וכבר ידעת כי 'אלוקים' - שם השופטים "עד האלוקים יבוא דבר שניהם"; ולזה הושאל השם למלאכים ולאלוק - להיות שופט על המלאכים; ולזה אמר כי ה'' אלוקיכם" - וזה סיפור למין האדם כולו - ואחר כך אמר "הוא אלוקי האלוקים" - רצונו לומר אלוק המלאכים - "ואדוני האדונים" - אדון הגלגלים והכוכבים שהם 'אדונים' לכל גוף זולתם. זהו הענין לא שיהיה 'אלוקי' ו'אדונים' ממין האדם שהם יותר פחותים מזה; וכל שכן שאמרו 'אלוקיכם' כולל כל מין האדם ראשיו ונעבדיו. ואי אפשר שיהיה הנרצה בו גם כן שהוא ית' אדון על כל מה שיחשב בו אלוהות מאבן ועץ שאין הגדלה וכבוד בהיות האלוק אדון האבן והעץ וחתיכת מתכת; ואמנם הנרצה - שהוא ית' השופט על השופטים - רצוני לומר המלאכים - ואדון הגלגלים:

(ב) וכבר קדם לנו בזה המאמר פרק בבאור המלאכים אינם גופות. וזה גם כן הוא מה שאמרו אריסטו; אלא שהנה - התחלפות שם הוא יאמר שכלים נפרדים ואנו נאמר 'מלאכים'. ואמנם אמרו הוא שאלו השכלים הנפרדים הם גם כן אמצעיים בין האלוק ית' ובין הנמצאות ושבאמצעותם יתנועעו הגלגלים אשר הוא סיבת היות ההוות - זה גם כן כתוב בכל הספרים שאתה לא תמצא כלל פועל שיעשהו האלוק אלא 'על ידי מלאך'. וכבר ידעת שענין 'מלאך' שליח וכל עושה מעשה מצוה הוא 'מלאך' עד שתנועות בעלי החיים ואפילו שאינם מדברים סיפר הכתוב עליהם שהם 'על ידי מלאך' כשתאות התנועה ההיא לכונת האלוק אשר שם בו כח יניעהו התנועה ההיא. אמר "אלוקי שלחני מלאכה וסגר פום אריותא ולא חבלוני" - ותנועות 'אתון בלעם' כולם 'על ידי מלאך'; עד שהיסודות יקראו גם כן 'מלאכים' "עושה מלאכיו רוחות משרתיו אש לוהט". והנה יתבאר לך ש'מלאך' יאמר על השליח מן האנשים "וישלח יעקב מלאכים"; ויאמר על הנביא "ויעל מלאך ה' מן הגלגל אל הבוכים"; "וישלח מלאך ויוציאנו ממצרים"; ויאמר על השכלים הנפרדים שיראו לנביאים 'במראה הנבואה'; ויאמר על הכוחות החיוניות כמו שנבאר.


Moses ben Maimon/Maimonides (Spain/Egypt 1138-1204)

(1) As for the existence of angels, there is no necessity to cite any proof from Scripture, where the fact is frequently mentioned.

(2) We have already stated above that the angels are incorporeal. This agrees with the opinion of Aristotle: there is only this difference in the names employed--he uses the term "Intelligences," and we say instead "angels." ... But "angel" means "messenger"; hence every one that is entrusted with a certain mission is an angel.

The elements are also called angels. ... It is also used of ideals, perceived by prophets in prophetic visions, and of man's animal powers, as will be explained in another place.

(3) [As for the texts that say] "God does nothing without consulting the host above..."

These passages do not convey the idea that God spoke, thought, reflected, or that God consulted and employed the opinion of other beings, as ignorant persons have believed. How could the Creator be assisted by those whom God created! They only show that all parts of the Universe, even the limbs of animals in their actual form, are produced through angels: for natural forces and angels are identical. How bad and injurious is the blindness of ignorance!

Our Sages have already stated--for those who have understanding--that all forces that reside in a body are angels, much more the forces that are active in the Universe. The theory that each force acts only in one particular way, is expressed in Beresheet Rabba (chap. 1.) as follows: "One angel does not perform two things, and two angels do not perform one thing"; this is exactly the property of all forces.

"R. Jochanan said that Judah was about to pass by [without noticing Tamar], but God caused the angel of lust, i.e., the libidinous disposition, to present himself to him." Man's disposition is here called an angel.

(4) We have already stated that the forms in which angels appear form part of the prophetic vision. Some prophets see angels in the form of man, others perceive an angel as a fearful and terrible being, others see them as fire,

Another passage in Beresheet Rabba (ibid.) runs thus: "Before the angels have accomplished their task they are called men, when they have accomplished it they are angels."

Voltando ao começo...

“Sintonizando-se com seus anjos”

“Segundo os rabinos, possuímos quatro anjos que nos equalizam: um à frente, um ao lado direito, outro ao lado esquerdo e um último atrás. Qual a função de cada um? O da frente está lá para deter-nos; ele diz: “Calma... Espere, não seja tão afoito.” O que se encontra atrás de nós nos empurra para a frente, dizendo: “Enfrente... Tenha coragem de bancar a situação e não dê para trás agora...” O que está à nossa esquerda, junto ao coração, diz: “Esqueça... deixe pra lá.” O da direita, por sua vez, diz: “Lembre-se... não deixe passar, porque você tem uma memória!”
Sintonizar-se corretamente com os impulsos de “avançar, recuar, lembrar e esquecer” é fundamental para a “calibragem” de nossas reações.”

Excerpt From: Nilton Bonder. “A Cabala da inveja.”

“avançar, recuar, lembrar e esquecer”

Pensa numa situação onde você....

1) deveria ter atua com mais coragem

2) gostaria de ter atuado com mais paciência

3) não se lembrou e tropeçou de novo com o mesmo desafio

4) não conseguiu virar a página

Midrash Rabbah, Bereshit 10:6

R. Shimon said: There is not a single blade of grass in the heavens that does not have an angel which strikes it and says, “Grow, grow!”

Torah Gems:

“In the beginning, God created…When R’ Leibele Eiger returned from Kotzk, his father, R’ Shloimele, asked him: ‘What did you learn in Kotzk?’ He answered, ‘I learned three things there a) that a human is a human and an angel is an angel b) if a person wishes to, he can become greater than an angel and c) ‘In the beginning, God created’ – God only created the beginning and left the rest to mankind.

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