פִּקֵּחַ, פִּיקֵּ׳ m. , פִּקַּחַת, פִּיקַּ׳ f. (b. h.; preced. wds.) [open,] 1) (opp. to חֵרֵשׁ) hearing. Yeb. XIV, 1 חרש שנשא פ׳ ופ׳ וכ׳ if a deaf mute married one hearing, or a hearing person married &c.; פ׳ שנשא פ׳ ונתחרשה if one hearing married one hearing, and she became deaf (and dumb); a. fr. —2) (opp. to סוּמָא or עִוֵּר) seeing. Ex. R. s. 36 משל לפ׳ וסומא וכ׳ like a seeing and a blind man walking together &c. Ex. R. s. 3 (ref. to Ex. IV, 11) פ׳ לראייה פ׳ לשמיעה piḳḳeaḥ refers both to sight and to hearing; a. e. —3) (opp. to טִפֵּשׁ) bright, smart, prudent. Keth. 88ᵃ (in Chald. dict.) אי פ׳ הוא וכ׳ if he (the husband) be prudent, he may cause her to have an oath administered to her according to Biblical law. Y. Meg. II, end, 73ᶜ הוי פ׳ ושתוק be prudent and keep silence; Yoma 7ᵃ. Y. Sabb. II, end, 5ᶜ אשה פ׳ a wise woman; a. fr.—Pl. פִּקְחִים, פִּקְחִין, פִּי׳; פִּקְחוֹת, פִּי׳. Yeb. XIV, 3, sq. Sabb. 153ᵃ. Y. Kidd. IV, 66ᶜ; Treat. Sof’rim XV, 10 רובן … פ׳ most bastards are bright; a. fr.