Ulla studied under R. Elazar b. Pedat and was a frequent contributor to discussions in the Talmud. Though he was from the Land of Israel, he made many trips to Babylonia to help the scholars there.
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Fearing the Messianic ArrivalTALMUD
Fearing the Messianic Arrival
Ulla's fear of the suffering that will precede the Messiah's arrival offers a profound perspective on eschatological themes. In the Talmudic tractate Sanhedrin, Ulla's views are contrasted with those of other sages, providing a rich discussion on the anticipation of the Messiah.
Ulla's RebukeTALMUD
Ulla's Rebuke
Ulla criticizes the Babylonians for neglecting Torah study despite having access to abundant and cheap food. In the Talmudic tractate Taanit, Ulla's remarks highlight the importance of prioritizing Torah study, especially when basic needs are easily met.
Ulla the DiplomatTALMUD
Ulla the Diplomat
During his travels, Ulla dined with the sages of Babylonia and their families, and occasionally these interactions generated conflict. The Babylonian Talmud in tractate Berakhot recounts Ulla's attempt to mediate an argument with Yalta by sending a message and a cup of wine.
The Spiritual Significance of Burial in the land of IsraelTALMUD
The Spiritual Significance of Burial in the land of Israel
The Talmud compares the spiritual significance of death in the land of Israel with burial there. The Talmudic discussion in Ketubot highlights the lament of Rabbi Elazar over Ulla's death outside of the land of Israel, even though he was eventually brought there for his burial.
The Divine Presence in the Study of HalakhaTALMUD
The Divine Presence in the Study of Halakha
According to Ulla, ever since the destruction of the Temple, the divine presence is now found exclusively in the four cubits where the study of halakha is undertaken. Ulla's teaching underscores the supreme importance of halakha and its study in post-Temple Judaism.
The Trustworthy Testimony of UllaTALMUD
The Trustworthy Testimony of Ulla
Ulla's testimony about the new moon was so trusted that it was accepted without question, highlighting his exceptional credibility. The Talmudic tractate Rosh Hashanah discusses the process of sanctifying a new month, including the role of witnesses like Ulla.
Ulla's Role in Talmudic DiscussionMIDRASH
Ulla's Role in Talmudic Discussion
Ulla's sharp intellect, together with his tact, made him an invaluable participant in Talmudic discourse. This text from the Ein Yaakov highlights Ulla's role in clarifying the benediction over fire during havdalah, showcasing his ability to correct misinterpretations.
The Boundaries of Shabbat ObservanceTALMUD
The Boundaries of Shabbat Observance
Ulla's strictness regarding Shabbat observance highlights the complexities and nuances in interpreting what constitutes work on this holy day. In the Talmudic tractate Eruvin, Ulla's reaction to a man knocking on the door sparks a discussion on the boundaries of Shabbat observance.