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The Seventh Year of FreedomTANAKH
The Seventh Year of Freedom
The Torah mandates that a Hebrew slave serves for six years and is freed in the seventh year without payment. The book of Exodus, the second book of the Torah, outlines this law as part of its broader narrative of liberation and divine commandments.
From Cursed to BlessedKABBALAH
From Cursed to Blessed
Eliezer, who was from a cursed lineage, becomes blessed by God as a result of his faithfulness and righteousness. The Zohar, a foundational work of Jewish mysticism, delves into the deeper, mystical meanings behind biblical narratives, including the story of Eliezer.
Compassion for the Escaped SlaveTANAKH
Compassion for the Escaped Slave
Deuteronomy, the fifth book of the Torah, includes a commandment that prohibits returning an escaped slave to their master, highlighting the importance of offering protection and refuge.
From Slavery to Freedom Through SharingCOMMENTARY
From Slavery to Freedom Through Sharing
The act of sharing food during the Passover seder transforms the bread of oppression into the bread of freedom, fostering a sense of community, faith, and hope. The Haggadah, recited during the Passover Seder, recounts the journey from slavery in Egypt to freedom and includes prayers, rituals, and commentary.
The Emotional Complexities of Abraham, Sarah, and HagarJEWISH THOUGHT
The Emotional Complexities of Abraham, Sarah, and Hagar
The story of Abraham, Sarah, and Hagar in Genesis 16:6 illustrates complex power dynamics and moral issues, particularly regarding slavery. Abraham's response to Sarah's concern about Hagar's pregnancy shifts responsibility back to Sarah, reaffirming Hagar's status as her servant. This underscores the challenges faced by slaves, highlighting themes of power and control within household relationships.
From Slavery to Spiritual ElevationCHASIDUT
From Slavery to Spiritual Elevation
The journey from slavery in Egypt to receiving the Torah at Mount Sinai is a profound spiritual transformation. This text explores the counting of the Omer, a 49-day period of character refinement, culminating in the reception of the Torah at Shavuot.
The Aftermath of the Roman ConquestREFERENCE
The Aftermath of the Roman Conquest
The Roman conquest of Jerusalem led to the destruction of the Temple and the enslavement and humiliation of the Jewish people. Gershom Bader's early 20th-century work vividly recounts the brutal aftermath of this pivotal event in Jewish history.
Redemption and Emancipation of SlavesMISHNAH
Redemption and Emancipation of Slaves
The Mishnah addresses the complex legal and ethical considerations surrounding the redemption and emancipation of Canaanite slaves. This foundational Jewish legal text, compiled around 200 CE, discusses the conditions under which a redeemed slave remains a slave or becomes free, and the responsibilities of a master who has used a slave as collateral for a debt.
Equality and Justice for SlavesSECOND TEMPLE
Equality and Justice for Slaves
Philo emphasizes that slaves and masters are equal in nature and under God's law, advocating for humane treatment and justice. Philo of Alexandria, a Hellenistic Jewish philosopher, interprets Jewish law and ethics within the context of Greco-Roman culture.
Actions of Love vs. Actions of FearCOMMENTARY
Actions of Love vs. Actions of Fear
The same actions performed out of fear by a slave are fundamentally different from those performed out of love by a son. Rabbi Ovadiah Sforno, a 16th-century Italian biblical commentator, explores this distinction in his commentary on Genesis 15:2-3.
The Sages on SlaveryTALMUD
The Sages on Slavery
The Sages' teachings on slavery provide profound insights into the ethical and legal considerations of servitude in Jewish law. The Talmudic tractate Kiddushin, from the early medieval period, explores various aspects of family law, including the laws of acquisition and the ethical treatment of slaves.
The Transformative Power of ImmersionTALMUD
The Transformative Power of Immersion
The process of immersion in a ritual bath is a transformative act that signifies full integration into the Jewish community. The Talmudic tractate Yevamot discusses the immersion requirements for converts, emancipated slaves, and menstruating women, emphasizing the importance of ritual purity.
Divine Orchestration of EnslavementLITURGY
Divine Orchestration of Enslavement
The descent to Egypt was a fulfillment of a divine prophecy, indicating a sense of predestination and divine orchestration in the events leading to the enslavement in Egypt. The Pesach Haggadah recounts the story of the Israelites' descent into Egypt, fulfilling God's prophecy to Abraham, emphasizing divine providence and the historical journey leading to the Exodus.
Passover's Journey to FreedomHALAKHAH
Passover's Journey to Freedom
The Passover story is pivotal to Jewish identity, recounting the miraculous liberation from slavery and the divine instructions that guide its observance. Rabbi Sharon Shalom’s work provides a unique perspective on the Passover narrative, integrating the ancient practices of Ethiopian Jewry with broader Jewish traditions.
Divine Mercy in AdversityMUSAR
Divine Mercy in Adversity
Despite being sold into slavery, Joseph experienced divine mercy and success. Rabbi Yisrael Meir Kagan, in his ethical work Shemirat HaLashon, uses Joseph's story to illustrate the importance of guarding one's speech and the divine consequences of negative speech.
Sarah's Anguish and BetrayalMIDRASH
Sarah's Anguish and Betrayal
Sarah's anguish and sense of betrayal regarding her relationship with Hagar reveal the emotional complexities and human struggles within the biblical narrative. Louis Ginzberg's early 20th-century work, Legends of the Jews, provides a rich tapestry of Jewish folklore and biblical stories, offering deeper insights into the characters' emotions and motivations.
The Symbolic Ear-Piercing CeremonyTARGUM
The Symbolic Ear-Piercing Ceremony
The ritual of piercing the ear of a slave who chooses to remain with their master is a profound and symbolic act that underscores the formal procedures involved in servitude and release. The Targum Jonathan, an Aramaic translation and interpretation of the Hebrew Bible, provides detailed insights into the laws of Hebrew servitude, including the ear-piercing ceremony.
The Permissibility of Acquiring SlavesGUIDES
The Permissibility of Acquiring Slaves
The Torah permits the acquisition of slaves from surrounding nations, raising complex ethical and legal questions. Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz, a modern commentator, explores the implications of this permission in the context of Leviticus 25:44 and its Talmudic interpretations.