Sharon translates as “plain” and is the name given to the land between the Samarian Hills and Israel’s coast. The Sharon is most famously mentioned in the Bible in Shir Hashirim, or the Song of Songs.
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The Rose of SharonTANAKH
The Rose of Sharon
The metaphorical imagery of the rose of Sharon and the lily of the valleys roots the Song of Songs in pastoral imagery of the land of Israel. In the Song of Songs, a poetic dialogue between two lovers, one of the lovers describes herself in floral terms.
As Beautiful as a (Green) FlowerCHASIDUT
As Beautiful as a (Green) Flower
The midrash depicts Queen Esther as having a green complexion. Rabbi Nachman of Breslov, in his teachings, connects between Esther and the rose of Sharon from Song of Songs.
The Choicest CalvesTALMUD
The Choicest Calves
The Talmud in tractate Menachot discusses the prime sources for different domesticated animals that are brought as offerings in the Temple. Sharon is identified as the area that produces the highest quality calves.