R. Chanina b. Chama moved from Babylonia to study at Rabbi's academy. Though quickly recognized as an outstanding scholar, his unusual manner led many to keep their distance. This included Rabbi, who delayed ordaining him. Nonetheless, he became head of the academy at Sepphoris.
It happened that a butcher in Sepphoris sold to Jews carcasses and torn meats. Once he drank wine Friday night, went to the roof, fell down, and died. The dogs were licking his blood. People came and asked Rebbi Ḥanina, should we lift him from before them? He said to them, it is written (Ex. 22:30): “Torn meat on the fields you shall not eat, you must throw it to the dogs!” This one robbed the dogs and fed it to Jews. He said to them, let them, they are eating from their own!
Rebbi Jonah said, it is not written, “hail to him who gives to the needy,” but (Ps. 41:2): “Hail to him who is considerate to the needy;” this refers to him who fulfills this commandment intelligently. How did Rebbi Jonah do it? When he saw a son of a prominent family who had lost his property, he used to say to him: My son, since I heard that an inheritance fell to you at another place, take and you will pay back. When he had taken it, he said to him, it is a gift.