Friend,    With Purim right around the corner, Sefaria is busy preparing for the “Purim bump” — the increase in users who visit Sefaria to celebrate the holiday. Last year, more than 100,000 people visited the library or used the app to connect with the holiday or read along with Megillat Esther. This year we’re expecting even more.    To help with our text and tech preparations ahead of this busy time, a generous Jewish foundation is matching all gifts to the library up to $36,000.    Please give today to help us meet your learning needs!     
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Commitment and Obedience
Exodus 24:7 recounts a pivotal moment in the history of the Israelites at Mount Sinai. After receiving the commandments from God, Moses takes the "record of the covenant" and reads it aloud to the people. Their response, "All that יהוה has spoken we will faithfully do!" This declaration marks not only their acceptance of the divine commandments but also their readiness to uphold them with unwavering dedication.
The Power of 'We Shall Do and We Shall Hear'
The declaration of 'we shall do and we shall hear' granted Israel a unique quality of life and freedom from the angel of death, which was only revoked due to the sin of the spies. Isaac Arama, a 15th-century Spanish rabbi, explores the profound significance of this declaration and its impact on the Israelites' spiritual and physical existence.
The Crowns of Commitment
The Israelites were crowned by angels for their commitment, but these crowns were removed after the sin of the Golden Calf. The Babylonian Talmud in tractate Shabbat recounts this symbolic act and its spiritual consequences, emphasizing the connection between obedience, sin, and divine reward.
Divine Gifts at Sinai
When the Israelites committed to God's commandments at Sinai, they were immediately showered with divine love and gifts from angels. The Midrash Tanchuma elaborates on the events at Mount Sinai, emphasizing the divine favor and protection granted to the Israelites.
The Path to Immortality
Had the Israelites not sinned with the Golden Calf, they would have achieved immortality and freedom from death. The medieval midrash Shemot Rabbah, a medieval midrashic work on the book of Exodus, explores the consequences of the Israelites' declaration 'we will do and we will hear' and their subsequent sin.
The Ears and Spiritual Rehabilitation
Rabbi Isaiah Horowitz, in his 17th-century work Shenei Luchot HaBerit, examines how Torah study restores spiritual integrity. He links the Jewish people's commitment at Mount Sinai to the creation narrative, stressing the pivotal role of hearing and obeying divine commandments in spiritual renewal. This connection illustrates Torah's healing power, akin to the restoration of Adam after his fall.
Action Precedes Understanding
Certain aspects of life, including faith, can only be truly comprehended through active participation and practice. Rabbi Jonathan Sacks explores the Jewish principle that action precedes understanding, emphasizing the importance of doing in Jewish faith and practice.
Joy and Torah Insights
Joy is the vessel for receiving enhanced Torah insights, linking it to the declaration 'We will do and we will hear' and the future return of the crowns as a symbol of eternal joy. Rabbi Nachman of Breslov, a prominent Hasidic master, emphasizes the importance of joy in spiritual practice and Torah study.
We Will Do Before We Will Hear
The divine praise and astonishment at Israel's declaration of 'we will do' before 'we will hear' highlights the seemingly paradoxical nature of committing to action before understanding the commandments. The Me'or Einayim, a Hasidic commentary by Rabbi Menachem Nachum of Chernobyl, delves into the Talmudic discussion about the Israelites' declaration at Mount Sinai, emphasizing their profound commitment to follow God's commandments even before hearing them.
Unity at Sinai
The Israelites' collective commitment at Mount Sinai, where they declared 'We will keep and observe all the precepts which are in the Torah,' exemplifies unparalleled unity and dedication. Pirkei DeRabbi Eliezer, an eighth-century midrashic work, recounts the Israelites' journey from Egypt to Mount Sinai and their acceptance of the Torah.
Unity in Action, Diversity in Experience
The Jewish people collectively commit to God's commandments, yet each person uniquely experiences God's presence. Rabbi Jonathan Sacks explores the principle of 'naaseh v'nishma' ('we will do and we will hear'), emphasizing unity in action and diversity in spiritual experience.
Moses receiving the Law at Mount Sinai, Amsterdam Haggadah, 1695. Source: Public domain.
Moses receiving the Law at Mount Sinai, Amsterdam Haggadah, 1695. Source: Public domain.
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