The sefira of Hod is the eighth of the ten sefirot. When the sefirot are divided into the five primary sefirot – Keter, Ḥokhma, Bina, Tiferet, and Malkhut – Hod is encompassed in the sefira of Tiferet as the Malkhut level for the sefira of Tiferet. Hod is the sefira which completes the left line or column in every partzuf or world. Its essence is that of the fourth level (Malkhut). Because of this, and its role of completion, the sefira of Hod is considered female, and possessing the attribute of judgment. The name Hod derives from the word hoda’ah, thanksgiving, because the feminine (the left side) is grateful for the light that the masculine (the right side) shines on it. This light is the light of giving, which carries the light of wisdom with it, light, which was restricted as a result of the first constriction. In the structure of the partzufim, which correlates with the human body, the sefira of Hod is associated with the left thigh or leg.