Midrash Lekach Tov
Medieval commentary on the Torah incorporating literal explanations and aggadah.
Lekach Tov on Ecclesiastes
Medieval commentary on Ecclesiastes incorporating literal explanations and aggadah.
Lekach Tov on Esther
Medieval commentary on the Book of Esther incorporating literal explanations and aggadah.
Lekach Tov on Lamentations
Medieval commentary on the Book of Lamentations incorporating literal explanations and aggadah.
Lekach Tov on Ruth
Medieval commentary on the Book of Ruth incorporating literal explanations and aggadah.
Lekach Tov on Song of Songs
Medieval commentary on Song of Songs incorporating literal explanations and aggadah.
About Midrash Lekach Tov
Midrash Lekach Tov (“Good Lesson”) is a commentary on the Torah and Megillot incorporating literal explanations and elaborative stories, written in the late 11th and early 12th centuries. The title of the work alludes to the author's name, Toviah, in addition to his practice of introducing each portion in the Torah commentary with a short exposition on a verse containing the word 'Tov.' It is also referred to as Pesikta Zutarta.
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