Meir Leibush ben Yehiel Michel Weisser, known by the acronym Malbim (1809–1879) was a rabbi, Hebrew grammarian, halakhic scholar, and author of a uniquely creative and comprehensive Torah commentary. Known as the "ilui (prodigy) of Volhynia," he served in multiple rabbinic posts. Malbim’s staunch adherence to tradition put him in direct confrontation with Reformers of the Jewish Enlightenment over innovations in worship and other communal institutions, which compelled him to move several times. Even as he held the traditionalist line against the Reformers, he was nonetheless accused by some Chasidic leaders of introducing Enlightenment thought in his Torah commentary. He fell sick in Kiev on his way to accept a post in Krementchug and died on the first day of Rosh HaShanah.
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