“Motzi matzah:” By eating the matzah we become worthy of eating all year long with holiness and purity. The consumption of Matzah is our way of repairing all the permissible forms of consumption of food. Through this symbol we also bring forth an important lesson. We must make the spiritual piece of our lives larger than the physical piece just as we hide away the larger piece of the matzah. We should never become subjugated to the physical just as the matzah is not subjugated to the yeast.
“Matzah:” All the lessons from matzah relate back to the idea of humility. It is meant to banish arrogance from our lives, and all the husks which take hold of us when we are eating. As it says, “Lest you have eaten your full….and your heart is lifted up and you forgot the Lord your God. ” Holy eating can bring us to humility and a broken heart. The commandment of eating matzah is meant to weaken the inclination for sexual immorality and incest. By eating properly we can repair the blemish in our covenant. Why don’t we say the sheheyanu when we eat the matzah for the first time? According to the commentator, Abudraham, wit is not necessary because this blessing is included in the blessing which we just said “Who blessed us…and brought us to this night.” In any case each person is supposed to see himself as if he personally went forth from Egypt which means that this is not the first time that we ate matzah!