Am Yisrael The nation of Israel descended from the twelve sons of Jacob.
Av/Avot Forefathers of the Jewish nation, specifically Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Can also refer to the progenitor of a tribe.
Benei Yisrael (lit. Sons of Israel) Refers to both the twelve sons of Jacob and the entire nation of Israel.
Em/Emahot Foremothers of the Jewish nation, specifically Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel, and Leah.
Ĥevel Region or tract of land, either a broad description (“ĥevel ha-ĥof ” – the coastal region) or specific (“ĥevel Ĥoglah” – “Hoglah’s tract”).
Khirbeh Ruins of an ancient town/settlement.
Malkhut Yehudah Southern kingdom of Israel, formed in the wake of the monarchial split in Israel, ruled by the Davidic dynasty based in Jerusalem from around 930 BCE to 586 BCE. Includes tribes of Judah and Benjamin.
Malkhut Yisrael Northern Kingdom of Israel, formed in the wake of the monarchial split in Israel, ruled by various dynasties, based in Shechem and Shomron, from 930s Bce until 720s Bce. Includes a confederation of tribes, excepting Judah and Benjamin.
Mishor Tableland of Naĥalat Reuven.
Naĥalah Tribal territory. The specific region within the Land of Israel and the east side of the Jordan River allotted to the descendants of each of the twelve sons of Jacob by divine assessment.
Shefelah Judean foothills between the coastal plain and the central mountain range.
Shevet (lit. “staff ”) A tribe formed by the descendants of one of the twelve sons of Jacob/Israel.
Tanakh Acronym for Torah, Nevi’im, Ketuvim. The Hebrew Bible.
Tel A mound unique to the Middle East, formed by layers of occupation over thousands of years. As one society builds its city on the ruins of a previous period, the site rises and the original landscape is permanently altered.