The maror is dipped in ḥaroset and the blessing over the mitzva, al akhilat maror, is said. The reason we do not say a further blessing, borei pri ha’adama, is that we have already said it for the karpas. There are differing customs as to which vegetables are to be used for maror. In the time of the Mishna, lettuce (ḥazeret) was most commonly used. In northern and eastern Europe, where this was difficult to obtain, the custom developed to use horseradish (ḥrein). Nowadays many use both, choosing romaine lettuce where maror is eaten on its own, and horseradish for the “Hillel sandwich.” An olive-size bulk (1.1 fluid ounces) should be eaten. We do not recline for the maror, since it is a symbol not of freedom but of slavery.