[א] "והנותרת" (ויקרא ב, י) (ויקרא ו, ט) – אף על פי שלא הומלחה, אף על פי שלא הוגשה; אף על פי שלא הקטיר את כל לבונתה. "מן המנחה" (ויקרא ב, ג) (ויקרא ב, י) – פרט לשחסרה היא; פרט לשחסר קומצה ולא הקטיר מלבונתה כלום. "לאהרן ולבניו" (ויקרא ב, ג) (ויקרא ב, י) (ויקרא ו, ט) – לאהרן תחלה ואחר כך לבניו. לאהרן שלא במחלוקת ולבניו במחלוקת. מה אהרן כהן גדול אוכל שלא במחלוקת, אף בניו כהנים גדולים – אוכלים שלא במחלוקת. 1) "And what is left (from the meal-offering shall be for Aaron, etc."): even if it were not salted, even if it were not presented (at the southwest corner of the altar) — except if nothing were smoked of its frankincense. "from the meal-offering" — except if it (the meal-offering) were diminished (between kemitzah and smoking), except if nothing were smoked of its frankincense. "for Aaron and for his sons": for Aaron first, and then for his sons; for Aaron without apportionment (with the other Cohanim), and for his sons with apportionment. Just as Aaron, the high-priest, eats without apportionment, so, his sons, the high-priests, eat without apportionment.
[ב] "לאהרן ולבניו קדש קדשים" (ויקרא ב, ג) (ויקרא ב, י) (ויקרא ו, י) – להתיר מנחת ישראל. וכי מאין יצאו?! מכלל שנאמר (במדבר טו, יג) "כל האזרח יעשה ככה את אלה להקריב אשה..לשם" – שאם רצה להרבות לא ירבה; או אינו אומר אלא שיהיו מנחות ישראל נתונות על גבי האישים, ומה אני מקיים "והנותרת מן המנחה…"? – של גרים ושל נשים ושל עבדים! תלמוד לומר "לאהרן ולבניו קדש קדשים" – להתיר מנחת ישראל. 2) "for Aaron and for his sons, holy of holies" — to permit the (remainders of the) meal-offerings of Israelite men. Now why should I (think to) exclude them (Israelite men, that I need a verse to include them)? It is written (Bamidbar 15:13): "All the native-born (men) shall do thus with these, to offer a fire-offering, a sweet savor to the L–rd." (Is the intent of the verse that) if he wishes to bring (libations [independent of the offering]) he may do so? Or (is its intent) that (the remainder of the) meal-offerings of (native-born) Israelite men be offered upon the fire (and not be eaten by the Cohanim, [the verse to be rendered: "All the native-born (men) shall do thus (as they do with the libation meal-offering) with these (gift meal-offerings), to offer (the remainder as) a fire-offering, etc."])? And how would I understand "And what is left from the meal-offering shall be for Aaron and for his sons"? As referring to (the meal-offerings) of proselytes, women, and bondsmen (and not to those of native-born Israelite men); it is, therefore, written: "for Aaron and for his sons, holy of holies" — to permit the (remainders of) meal-offerings of Israelite men (to be eaten by Cohanim).
[ג] אין לי אלא מנחותיהם; מליקותיהם מנין? אמר ר' שמעון קורא אני (ויקרא כב, ח) "נבלה וטרפה לא יאכל לטמאה בה"! תלמוד לומר "לאהרן ולבניו קדש קדשים" – להתיר מלוקות ישראל. 3) I would know that only their meal-offerings (are permitted to Cohanim). Whence do I derive that their melikah (bird-offerings are also permitted to be eaten by Cohanim)? R. Shimon says: (If not apprised otherwise) I would read (Vayikra 22:8): "Neveilah (carcass [including, ostensibly, a melikah offering] or treifah (an organically "torn" animal) he (a Cohein) shall not eat to defile himself therewith" (If he does eat it, he is forbidden to eat kodshim). It is, therefore, written: "for Aaron and for his sons," to permit the melikah offerings of Israelites.
[ד] אין לי אלא מלוקות ישראל; מלוקות כהנים מנין? אמר ר' שמעון: ודין הוא! מה במקום שהתיר סולת רשות – אסר סולת מצוה, מקום שאסר מליקות רשות – אינו דין שנאסר מלוקת מצוה?! מלוקות ישראל יוכיחו! שאסר בהן מלוקות רשות והתיר בהן מלוקת מצוה! 4) I would know that only the melikah offerings of Israelites are permitted to Cohanim. Whence would I derive the same for the melikah offerings of Cohanim? And, indeed, it would follow that they are not permitted, viz.: If optional (eating of) soleth is permitted and (eating) soleth of mitzvah is forbidden (i.e., the meal-offering of a Cohein must be entirely burnt) — then, if optional (eating of a bird slaughtered by) melikah is forbidden, should it not follow that (a) melikah of mitzvah (bird offering) is forbidden (to be eaten by the Cohanim and that the offering should be entirely burnt)? — This is refuted by the melikah offerings of Israelites, whose optional melikah is forbidden and (eating of the offering by the Cohanim after) melikah of mitzvah permitted!
[ה] מה התיר מליקות מצוה של ישראל – שהרי התיר סולת מצוה שלהם, נתיר מלוקת מצוה של כהנים שהרי אסר סולת מצוה שלהם?! הואיל ואסר סולת מצוה שלהן – נאסר מליקת מצוה שלהן! תלמוד לומר "לאהרן ולבניו קדש קדשים מאשי ה'" – להתיר מלוקת הכהנים. "מאשי ה'" – אין להם אלא לאחר מתנת האישים. 5) — No. What permits the melikah of mitzvah of Israelites (to Cohanim)? The fact that the soleth of mitzvah (of Israelites) was permitted to them. Shall we then permit the melikah of mitzvah of Cohanim, when their soleth of mitzvah was forbidden to them! Since their soleth of mitzvah is forbidden to them, their melikah of mitzvah should be forbidden to them! It is, therefore, written (to negate this): "for Aaron and for his sons, holy of holies," to permit the melikah-offerings of the Cohanim (to be eaten by them). "of the fire-offerings of the L–rd" — it (the remainder) may not be eaten until the fistful has been burnt.