א. יֵשׁ מְפֻרְסָמִים, שֶׁעִקַּר הַפִּרְסוּם שֶׁלָּהֶם נַעֲשֶׂה עַל־יְדֵי הַמַּחֲלקֶת. There are certain famous people whose fame comes mainly as a result of their participating in some conflict.
ב. הַנִּסָּיוֹן הוּא בִּשְׁבִיל לְגַדֵּל וּלְפַרְסֵם אֶת הָאָדָם. God tests a person in order to then grant him importance and fame.
ג. עַל־יְדֵי הַמְּרִיבָה גּוֹרְמִים שֶׁהַתַּלְמִידִים הַקְּטַנִּים נִתְפַּרְסְמִים קדֶם זְמַנָּם. וְזֶהוּ בְּחִינַת הַפָּלַת נְפָלִים, שֶׁהַוָּלָד יוֹצֵא לַאֲוִיר עוֹלָם קדֶם זְמַנּוֹ, וְעַל־יְדֵי זֶה גּוֹרֵם עֲנִיּוּת וְלִפְעָמִים גּוֹרֵם מִיתוֹת חַס וְשָׁלוֹם. As a result of quarreling, the less qualified students are accepted into positions of authority prematurely. This corresponds to a miscarriage, to a child being born too early. It leads to poverty and sometimes even death, God forbid.