החיים והשלום. שנאמר לפנחס את בריתי שלום (במדב' כ"ה) והובטח לו ולזרעו אחריו הרי שיהא זרעו בחיים: life and peace As it was said to Phinehas (Num. 25:12): “My covenant of peace”; and it was promised to him and to his seed after him, thus indicating that his seed will be alive.
ואתנם לו. שיקבלם במורא וכן עשה וייראני: and I gave them to him that he accept them with fear, and so he did, and he feared Me.
נחת. לשון חתת נתירא: he was over-awed an expression of חִתַּת, fear; he was afraid.