ב״ה. With God’s help.
הורני ד׳ דרכך, אהלך באמתך, יחד לבבי ליראה שמך. Show me your ways, O Lord, and I shall walk in Your truth. Designate my heart to fear Your name.159Psalm 86:11.
ספר חובת האברכים שער הא׳, והוא מבוא השערים שבספר הזה This is the book Hovat haAvreikhim. Section One, which is the introduction to this book, is called
Entrance to the Gates [Mevo haShearim].
ספר הזה, חלק הג׳ של הקונטרס חובת התלמידים והכשרת האברכים הוא, ורק מי שעבר עליהם כולם, יוכל לעיין גם בזה. This book is the third section of the work Hovat haTalmidim and Hakhsharat haAvreikhim,160Interestingly, R. Shapiro refers to all three works as one work (kuntres), indicating the extent to which he conceives of them as an integrated whole. and only one who has read those may read this book.
קלונמוס קלמיש בהה״ק מוהר״א זצוקלל״ה מגראדזיסק Kalonymous Kalmish161A diminutive of Kalman.—son of the holy rabbi, our master and teacher R. Elimelekh of Grodzisk—
אב״ד פיאסצנא Av Beit Din162Head of the rabbinical court. These last words were crossed out in the manuscript, apparently by R. Shapiro when editing the work while he was in the Warsaw Ghetto and the court and community in Piacezno was no longer extant. See Figure C, below, and Reiser, 2017, 52. of Piacezno.