רָבַץ (b. h.; cmp. רבע) to lie down, esp. to break down under a load. B. Mets. 33ᵃ, v. רַבְצָן.—Part. pass. רָבוּץ; f. רְבוּצָה &c. a) lying. Y. B. Kam. VII, end, 6ᵃ שמא ראוהו ר׳ perhaps they saw him in the act of slaughtering after the ox was laid down, opp. ראוהו מושך they saw him pull the ox into the woods to kill him. Y. Naz. V, 54ᶜ ר׳ lying, opp. עומד. Ab. Zar. 54ᵃ; Ḥull. 40ᵃ היתה … ר׳ וכ׳ if his neighbor’s beast was laid down before an idol (to be sacrificed). Y. R. Hash. II, beg. 57ᵈ ראיתיו ר׳ בין וכ׳ I saw it (the moon, like an animal) lying between two rocks; Tosef. ib. I, 15 רוֹבֵץ; Bab. R. Hash. 22ᵇ. Num. R. s. 1, beg., v. infra.—b) horizontal. Lev. R. s. 14 בהמה … ר׳ וכ׳ the quadruped walks with her body in a horizontal position, … but woman walks erect; Yalk. Lev. 546; Tanḥ. Thazr. 3 הבהמה … והולד ר׳ וכ׳ the animal walks and her embryo lies horizontally &c., opp. זקוף.
Pi. - רִיבֵּץ 1) (cmp. (cmp. רְבִיעָה) to irrigate by sprinkling, contrad. to השקה. Y. Peah V, 19ᵃ top; Tosef. ib. II, 20 המְרַבֵּץ את שדהו וכ׳ (ed. Zuck. המַרְבִּיץ) if one irrigates his field, before the poor have entered it. Shebi. II, 10 מְרַבְּצִין בעפר לבן Y. ed. (Mish. a. Bab. ed. מַרְבִּיצִין) you may (in the Sabbatical year) irrigate ‘blank’ soil (a vegetable or grain field, v. לָבָן); Y. ib. 34ᵇ; Y. M. Kat. I, 80ᶜ; Bab. M. Kat. 6ᵇ מרביצין שדה וכ׳. Tosef. ib. I, 2 מרצפין (corr. acc.); a. e.—Esp. to sprinkle (a floor in order to lay the dust &c.). Snh. VII, 6 המכבד והמרבץ he who sweeps or sprinkles (before an idol); Yalk. Ex. 348 והמרביץ. Y. Sabb. II, end, 5ᶜ; Bab. Sabb. 95ᵃ מְרַבֶּצֶת ביתה וכ׳ may contrive to sprinkle her room on the Sabbath. Ib. הרוצה לרַבֵּץ וכ׳ he who desires to sprinkle &c. Y. Ber. VI, 10ᵈ, v. אֲלוּנְטִית II; a. fr.—Tosef. Ab. Zar. IV (V), 11 ולא רִיבַּצְתִּי עליהם וכ׳ I sprinkled no liquids on them (the herbs, to keep them fresh). —2) (with תורה) to spread the Law, to teach. Y. Keth. XII, 35ᵃ bot. ר׳ … יותר וכ׳ he spread the Law more (has had more pupils) than thou; Y. Kil. IX, 32ᵇ bot. B. Mets. 85ᵇ לא רִיבַּצְתָּ, v. פִּלְפֵּל. Tem. 16ᵃ (play on י̇ע̇ב̇ץ̇, v. יַעְבֵּץ) שי̇ע̇ץ וריב̇ץ וכ׳ he (Othniel) gave advice and taught the Law in Israel. M. Kat. 25ᵃ; a. fr.
Hif. - הִרְבִּיץ 1) to sprinkle, v. supra. Pesik. Par., p. 40ᵇ; Pesik. R. s. 14; Tanḥ. Ḥuck. 6 ומַרְבִּיצִין עליו וכ׳ and they sprinkle water upon him, v. תְּזָוִית. —2) to cause to lie down. Pesik. R. s. 3 נפל … והִרְבִּיצָם וכ׳ he fell upon his face, and made them (his sons) lie down on their faces, and prayed. Gen. R. s. 41; s. 69, a. e., v. פְּלַטְיָא II h. Num. R. s. 1 (expl. ויסב, Ex. XIII, 18, cmp. סָבַב Hif.) שהִרְבִּיצָם … רבוצין וכ׳ he made them recline (at meals) like kings lying on their couches. Ib. הִרְבַּצְתִּי וכ׳, v. סִיגְמָטִין; Tanḥ. B’midbar 2; a. e.
Hithpa. - הִתְרַבֵּץ to be besprinkled. Sabb. l. c. ונמצא … מִתְרַבֵּץ מאליו and thus the room is sprinkled of itself.