כֵּיבָא m. (preced.) pain, sore, v. כְּאֵבָא. Targ. Job V, 18; a. e.—B. Kam. 46ᵇ, v. כְּאֵב I. Lam. R. to II, 1 אית … לכ׳ עייבא there is a place where they call a sore ͑ayba (heaviness), v. כְּאֵב I Pa.—Esp. ulcer, ulceration (mostly as a collective noun). Sabb. 62ᵇ (ref. to Is. III, 24) חלף שופרי כ׳ instead of beauty ulcers; [Kimḥi quotes כְּוָאָה; Ms. M. כיבא כיאורא, combining two versions]. Kidd. 39ᵇ שיחנא וכ׳ scabs and ulcers. Ib. 81ᵃ [read:] יתיב עליה מלא נפשיה שיחנא וכ׳ he sat down before it (the tray), his body being full of &c.—Sabb. 67ᵃ לכ׳ לימא הכי Ar. (ed. כיפא, Ar. s. v. כס :כיסא) against ulcers say the following charm.—Pl. כֵּיבִין. Ib. שיחנין וכ׳ Ms. M. (ed. שחינ׳ כְּאֵיבִין, read ש׳ וכ׳).—[Koh. R. to I, 2, v. בִּיב.]