יָד f. (rarely m.) (b. h.; 1) hand; forefoot; handle. Ex. R. s. 42, end מיד ליד from hand to hand, directly, opp. ע"י שלוחו through his messenger.—י׳ רחבה a wide hand, liberality. Y. Ḥag. I, 76ᶜ top עני ויָדוֹ ר׳ a poor man who is liberal, opp. י׳ מעוטה stingy.—Ḥull. 58ᵇ, a. fr. בְּיָד on the forefoot (of a quadruped).—Ukts. I, 1 כל שהוא יד ולא שזמר whatever part of a fruit serves as a handle (as the stem) and not as a protector (as the shell of a nut &c.). Kel. XXIX, 4 יַד הקורדום the handle of an ax; a. v. fr.—Cant. R. to I, 4 לא חלתה יד ליד hand does not fit hand, i.e. the two cases are incongruous.—Trnsf. an intimation, an incomplete statement intelligible from context, surroundings &c. Y. Ned. I, 36ᵈ top תופסין אותו משם יד לקרבן we make him responsible because what he said is suggestive of the word korban (as a vow); a. fr.—Du. יָדַיִם; pl. יָדוֹת. Yad. I, 1 נותנין לי׳ is required for pouring on the hands. Ib. II, 3 הי׳ מטמאות וכ׳ hands (when being washed) become unclean or clean up to the wrist; a. v. fr.—י׳ יפות, v. יָפֶה.—Ned. 2ᵇ ידות נדרים (or ידות) suggestions of vows, contrad. to כינויים, v. כִּינּוּי. Ib. 5ᵇ, a. fr. י׳ שאין מוכיחות לא הויין י׳ suggestions which are not beyond doubt, are no (binding) suggestions; a. fr. —2) power, authority, possession, share. B. Mets. 70ᵇ, v. אֶמְצַע. Kidd. 3ᵇ קטנה דלית לה יד וכ׳ a minor who cannot accept a betrothal for herself. Ned. 88ᵇ יד אשה כיד בעלה the wife’s possession is her husband’s possession. Kidd. 23ᵃ גיטו ויָדוֹ באים כאחד his letter of manumission and his right of self-disposal come simultaneously. Yeb. 39ᵃ; Keth. 83ᵃ ידו כיָדָהּ the husband’s right of disposal is as great as the wife’s (concerning what belongs to her); ידו עדיפא מידה his rights are stronger than hers. B. Mets. VI, 2 יָדָן על התחתונה their rights are the lowest, i.e. they are responsible for losses but can derive no benefits from favorable chances; ib. כל המשנה ידו על התחתונה וכ׳ whichever side changes the agreement is at a disadvantage, and whichever side breaks the agreement &c.; a. v. fr.—Du. יָדַיִם, constr. יְדֵי. Ab. Zar. 41ᵇ, a. e. מִירֵי ודאי, v. וַדַּאי.—יְדֵי חובתו, v. יָצָא. —3) portion, part.—Pl. יָדוֹת. Tosef. Men. IX, 10 שתי י׳ two thirds; a. fr.—מִיַּד (= מיד ליד) at once, directly, immediately. Tosef. Dem. VIII, 7, v. חָלַל Hif.—Y. Pes. VI, 33ᵃ מיד כל מי וכ׳ presently, every one whose Passover offering was a lamb &c.; a. v. fr.— עַל יַד, על יְדֵי (abbr. ע"י) through, by means of. Gitt. 40ᵇ שמא זיכה לו ע"י אחר he may have benefitted him (given him his liberty) through the agency of another person (without the slave’s knowledge). Nidd. I, 1 מעת לעת ממעטת ע"ו וכ׳ the period of twenty four hours is modified by the interval between one examination and the other (if that interval is less than twenty four hours); a. v. fr.—על ידי ש־ because. Lev. R. s. 32 ע"י שגדרו וכ׳ because the Israelites guarded themselves against unchastity, they were redeemed; a. v. fr.—עַל יָד עַל יָד gradually, little by little. B. Kam. 80ᵃ (opp. מיד); Tosef. ib. VIII, 15. Par. VIII, 7 Hai G. (ed. only once ע"י).—כלאחר יד, v. אַחַי.—יָדַיִם Yadayim, name of a treatise of the Mishnah and Tosefta, of the Order of Tohăroth, containing the laws of levitical cleanness or uncleanness of the hands.