תרבות. מגזרת אשר טפחתי ורביתי והוא קרוב מגזרת על כל רב ביתו והטעם גדול השנים: A BROOD. The word tarbut (a brood) is connected to the word ribbiti (brought up) in That I have dandled and brought up (Lam. 2:22). It is close in meaning to the word rav (officers) in all the officers (rav) of his house19I.E. renders this as, all those brought up in his house. (Esther 1:8). The meaning of tarbut is, grown up in years.
לספות. כמו להוסיף רק הוא משרש אחר וכמוהו ספו על זבחיכם כי לא מצאנו בבעלי היו"ד מזה השרש בבנין הקל חסר יו"ד: TO AUGMENT. Li-sepot (to augment) means the same as le-hosif (to add). However, it comes from a different root.20Li-sepot comes from the root samekh, peh, heh. Hosif comes from the root yod, samekh, peh. The word sofu (add) in Add…unto your sacrifices (Jer. 7:21) is similar,21To li-sepot; i.e., it comes from the root samekh, peh, heh. for we do not find this root22The root yod, samekh, heh. among the stems that begin with a yod and drop the yod in the kal.23Hence its root must be samekh, peh, heh.