וכבס בגדיו. הכהן השורף: THEN THE PRIEST SHALL WASH HIS CLOTHES. The kohen who burns it.18Prima facie, the reference is to the cow. However, in view of the fact that the latter is stated in the next verse, some say that the reference is to the cedar. See Filwarg and Krinsky.
וטמא הכהן. וכבר ישב טמא ויש אומרי' שיהיה טמא עד הערב שלא יאכל מן הקדשים: AND THE PRIEST SHALL BE UNCLEAN. The meaning of ve-tame ha-kohen (and the priest shall be unclean) is, and the kohen has already been unclean,19The kohen has been made unclean by performing the ritual. According to this interpretation the vav prefixed to ve-tame means “and.” Hence the meaning of ve-tame ha-kohen is: and the kohen was unclean. or, as some say, the kohen shall be unclean.20In this case ve-tame is a future form meaning: and he shall be unclean. The vav is a conversive vav. Until the even refers to the eating of sacred food.