אנכי. ואיך תצוני על בני, וכל העולם שלי הוא, כי אנכי עשיתי ארץ ואדם עליה בראתי אני הוא שידי נטו שמים, וכל צבאם צויתי ונבראו, הטעם משל לדבור, וכן כתיב כי הוא צוה ונבראו (תהלים קמ"ח ה'): I have made the earth, etc. How will you command me concerning my children, when the whole universe belongs to me? I have created earth and man upon it; my hands have stretched out the heavens, and all their hosts have I commanded, and consequently they were created. I commanded is poetically said16I. E. explains I commanded by I spoke, because this verse refers to the creation of heaven and earth and all their hosts, and the verb to command cannot properly be applied to things which do not yet exist. for I spoke as in the verse He commanded and they were created (Ps. 148:5)