כי וגו'. זה הכתוב יוכיח שהוא לעתיד ויש אומרים כי זאת הנבואה נתקיימה בימי נבוכדנצר אחר גלות ציון, כטעם גם עליך תעבור כוס (איכה ד' כ"א): For it is the day of the Lord’s vengeance, etc. This verse shows that the prophecy refers to the Messianic period;12It is not clear, how the words of this verse prove its reference to the Messianic period; the inference is perhaps drawn from the circumstance, that no hostilities of the Edomites against the Israelites, which should call for vengeance and recompences, are reported in scripture in describing the reign of Hezekiah. some believe, that it was fulfilled already in the time of Nebuchadnezzar, after the conquest of Zion; comp. The cup will be passed also to thee (Lam. 4:21).13This passage contains only a hope or prayer, and permits no inference as to the time when that hope was realised. It is, however, very probable, that Edom was occupied by the Babylonians in their expeditions against Syria and Egypt, as it had been previously by the Assyrians.
שנת שלומים. כמו גמולך ישוב בראשך [עובדיה א' ט"ו] הכתוב גם בספר עובדיה על אדום: The year of recompences. Comp. Thy reward shall return over thine own head (Obad. 15); these words refer likewise to Edom.