בטחו וגו'. על כן יאמרו אבות לבנים בטחו בשם: Trust ye, etc. Therefore fathers will say to their children, Trust in the Lord, etc.
בי"ת 'ביה' משרת כמשפט: ביה In the Lord. ב is a preposition, and has its usual meaning.5The name of God consists of the four letters ו ,ה ,י, and ה; the name יה of half that number; in ביה the ב is prepositive; but some take it as part of the name, believing that new names of God are formed by combining the word יה with any letters of the alphabet; e.g., גיה ,ביה ,איה, and so on. In his commentary on the book of Psalms (68:5), I. E. rejects this opinion, but without giving the explanation which is promised here.5The name of God consists of the four letters ו ,ה ,י, and ה; the name יה of half that number; in ביה the ב is prepositive; but some take it as part of the name, believing that new names of God are formed by combining the word יה with any letters of the alphabet; e.g., גיה ,ביה ,איה, and so on. In his commentary on the book of Psalms (68:5), I. E. rejects this opinion, but without giving the explanation which is promised here.5The name of God consists of the four letters ו ,ה ,י, and ה; the name יה of half that number; in ביה the ב is prepositive; but some take it as part of the name, believing that new names of God are formed by combining the word יה with any letters of the alphabet; e.g., גיה ,ביה ,איה, and so on. In his commentary on the book of Psalms (68:5), I. E. rejects this opinion, but without giving the explanation which is promised here.
צור. חזוק לעולם כי יש בספרים שמרכיבים אל"ף בי"ת עם השם שהוא חצי השם במספר האותיות ובספר תהלות אפרש זה בפסוק סולו לרוכב בערבות (תהלים ס"ח ה'): צור עולמים Everlasting strength. ביה In some books all the letters of the Alphabet are combined with this word (יה), which consists of one-half the number of letters composing the full name of God, in order to form new names for the Divine Being. In the book of Psalms (68:5) I shall explain this.