איכה. [וגו'] הנה הוכיחם הנביא ולא שמעו: The prophet has thus reproved the people but they do not listen.
לזונה. תחת אישה אחר היותה כאשה נאמנה: How is the faithful city become an harlot. Jerusalem is like a woman that has become faithless to her husband, after having been a faithful wife.
יו"ד מלאתי משפט נוסף כיו"ד גנובתי יום (בראשית ל"א ל"ט): מלאתי Full of. The י is paragogic as in גנבתי the theft of (Gen. 31:39.)42The construct state of גנבה ,מלאה is regularly גנבַת מלאַת.
צדק ילין בה ועתה מרצחים. הטעם על זמן עומד כי אין לו סימן בלשון הקודש: ילין Was lodging. The future is here used for the imperfect,43זמן עומד literally, the standing time, duration. As a form of the verb it indicates that the action has commenced already, but is not yet finished. This is always the case with the present tense, which is therefore called by I. E זמן עומד. But the imperfect was lodging, expressing continuation, repetition or duration is likewise included in this term. which has no special form in Hebrew.
מרצחים. פועל יוצא לשני פעולים, והטעם על הדיינים: מרצחים Murderers. Literally, they that cause to murder. It is participle Piel, and has a causative meaning, referring to the judges.43 *Bad judges cause to murder, by ordering the execution of innocent persons.