ה' איש מלחמה. שהוא מעמיד אוהביו הדבקים בו. והוא איש מלחמה לאויביהם. THE LORD IS A MAN OF WAR. The Lord supports those who love Him and cleave unto Him and He is a man of war to their enemies.
ופי' איש כעצם הדבר. והנה בכוכבים איש לא נעדר ובחיות איש אל עבר פניו ילכו. ובמלאכים והאיש גבריאל והנה איש מלחמה כמו בעל מלחמה. כמו איש אמונים איש שבו אמונים: [MAN.] The word ish (man) means a being.51Or an entity. I.E. makes a similar point in his comments on Gen 15:10. Translating ish as a being obviously eliminates an anthropomorphism. Scripture thus states in reference to the stars, ish lo nedar (not one faileth) (Is. 40:26); and in reference to the living creatures, ish el ever panav yelekhu (they went every one straight forward) (Ezek. 1:9); and in reference to the angels, ve-ha-ish gavriel (the man Gabriel) (Dan. 9:21). The meaning of ish milchamah (a man of war) thus is, a being who wages war. It is similar to the term ish emunim (a faithful man) (Prov. 20:6), the meaning of which is, a being52Cf. Krinsky and Weiser. imbued with faith.
ה' שמו. עתה יודע שמו. כמו הקורא למי הים ה' שמו. לבדו העושה ככה: THE LORD IS HIS NAME. His name will now be known. Compare, That calleth for the waters of the sea, And poureth them out upon the face of the earth; The Lord is His name (Amos 5:8). He alone can do such a thing.53After God does a wondrous thing people speak of it and His name thus becomes known.